Cottage Cheese Scrambled Eggs

by | May 21, 2024

If you’re on the lookout for a quick and nourishing breakfast, then you’re going to love this take on the viral Cottage Cheese Eggs. Simply blend together eggs, cottage cheese, and bagel seasoning for the creamiest scramble you’ve ever tasted. Plus, you get to customize this recipe and serve the scrambled eggs with your favorite base and toppings of your choice.

Cooked cottage cheese eggs on white plate with chives

Disclosure: This post has been sponsored by The American Egg Board. All opinions are my own; I never feature a brand that I don’t love!

Why you’ll love it

You might be thinking… cottage cheese and eggs together?! YES! Scrambled eggs with cottage cheese really gained popularity on TikTok over the last year. And I’ll just tell you… there’s a lot to love about this trend. 

  • Quick & Easy: These eggs are incredibly easy to whip up. With a total time of just 10 minutes, you can have a nutritious breakfast on the table in no time.
  • Super Creamy: The cottage cheese really elevates the eggs and gives them extra moisture and creaminess. Most videos for this trend mix the cottage cheese right into the eggs, but we prefer blending it for an overall smoother texture.
  • Crowd Pleaser: This recipe is perfect to serve at weekend brunch parties or simply one to meal prep and eat over the next few days. Plus, it uses budget-friendly ingredients so you don’t have it break the bank.
Cottage cheese eggs with toast

Is cottage cheese nutritious?

Cottage cheese is known for its high protein content. It also provides nutrients like calcium, vitamin B12, and phosphorus, which help support bone health. One cup of cottage cheese provides 227mg of calcium and 0.924mcg of vitamin B12, which both provide about 17% and 39% of the Daily Value respectively.

What are the benefits of eggs?

A staple I always have as part of my daily routine is eggs. This small but mighty ingredient is a nutrient powerhouse. One large egg packs in 6 grams of complete protein alongside essential vitamins and minerals for healthy living. Here are some health benefits of eggs to keep in mind.

White and brown eggs in a bowl

Eggs for brain health

The choline in eggs helps support lifelong brain health at every age and stage,​​ including memory, thinking, mood and more. Choline isn’t found in high quantities in many foods. Luckily, eggs are one of the most concentrated food sources of choline in the American diet.

Eggs for muscle recovery

Eggs are considered a complete protein, meaning they contain all 9 essential amino acids (aka building blocks of proteins). Enjoying high-quality protein, like eggs, in combination with carbohydrates post-workout can help refuel our muscles and optimize recovery.

Looking for easy post-workout recipes? Try make-ahead breakfast burritos or these bite-sized egg veggie bites!

Eggs fit into a heart-healthy diet

Science is in alliance: Heart-healthy eating can include eggs, as supported by an abundance of research including a recent Harvard study evaluating up to 32 years of data.

People always ask about the cholesterol in eggs. However, for most people, cholesterol found in FOOD does not impact our BODY’S cholesterol levels like we once thought. Plus, the American Heart Association says eggs can be included as part of a heart-healthy diet for healthy adults.

Ingredients you’ll need

  • Eggs: The foundation of any great scramble, providing high-quality, complete protein and essential nutrients.
  • Cottage cheese: Adds creaminess and boosts the protein content further, making your scrambled eggs even more filling. We typically prefer using low-fat varieties which contain 2% milk fat.
  • Bagel seasoning: This seasoning provides a delightful crunch and subtle salty flavor.
  • Avocado Oil: A touch of oil ensures your eggs are silky and rich. 
  • Cheese of your choice: Whether it’s sharp cheddar or smooth mozzarella, pick your fave!
Ingredients needed for cottage cheese eggs

How to make Cottage Cheese Eggs

This recipe for cottage cheese scrambled eggs is simple and easy to make, let’s break it down step-by-step.

Blend the Base 

Start by placing the eggs, cottage cheese, bagel seasoning, and black pepper in a blender. Blend for about 20 seconds until the mixture is smooth. You could also use a small food processor to get the job done.

If you’re not feeling like blending, you could also whisk the cottage cheese and eggs together with the fork. Just know, the texture will be slightly thicker without blending.

Cook in a skillet

Heat the oil in a non-stick skillet over medium-low heat. Pour in the egg mixture, letting it sit for about a minute before gently stirring with a spatula.

Add Cheese

Once the eggs begin to set but are still creamy, sprinkle your chosen cheese over the top. Let it melt slightly before removing from the heat.

Close up of fully cooked cottage cheese eggs with melted cheddar cheese on top


Dish out the scrambled eggs on your chosen base, adding any of the suggested toppings like diced tomatoes or sliced avocado for extra flavor and texture.

White plate with scrambled cottage cheese eggs with sliced avocado, sliced tomatoes, and sliced whole wheat bread

Recipe tips and tricks

  • Serving Suggestions: You can eat these eggs solo but I recommend pairing with a base. I’ve found they pair beautifully with a slice of whole-grain toast or roasted potatoes. You can also pair the eggs with colorful vegetables like tomatoes or mini bell peppers. Eggs can help you better absorb the nutrients found in these vegetables too, like vitamin E and carotenoids!
  • Troubleshooting: If your eggs are taking a while to cook, you can always slightly bump up the heat to quicken the cook time.
  • Scaling Up: This recipe makes about 4 moderate servings but you can easily double or triple if you’re hosting a brunch. Just make sure you have a large enough pan to fit everything.
Whole grain toast with scrambled eggs, sliced avocado and sliced tomatoes on top

Customize it your way

Like all of my recipes, these Cottage Cheese Eggs are completely customizable. You get to choose what cheese, bases, and toppings you want to use.

  • Toppings of your choice: Enhance your dish and boost the fiber with a variety of toppings such as diced tomatoes, diced bell peppers, caramelized mushrooms, finely chopped chives, or sliced avocado.
  • Shredded cheese of your choice: Choose from options like cheddar, mozzarella, pepper jack, or even a blend.
  • Base of your choice: Try out whole grain bread, a warmed tortilla, steamed sweet potatoes, or roasted potatoes to layer under your eggs.

Can I make it ahead of time?

You can easily blend the mixture the night before to shave off a few minutes in the morning if you’d like. Simply store blended cottage cheese eggs in the fridge. Then, when you’re ready to make them, heat your skillet and cook the eggs to creamy perfection.

How do I store leftovers?

Many people prefer scrambled eggs served fresh, but I’ve found this recipe is surprisingly good reheated. This likely has to do with the addition of cottage cheese, which keeps it moist. Store any leftover scrambled eggs in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days. Then, reheat in the microwave for 60-90 seconds to warm.

The USDA recommends cooking egg dishes to 160°F.

Cottage Cheese Scrambled Eggs 24

Need more help with recipes for your busy schedule?

In my coaching + cooking program, I help busy people with beginner cooking knowledge become confident in the kitchen so that they can enjoy nourishing foods they love and stress less about mealtime. Click here to learn more about this virtual program led by a dietitian.

Cottage Cheese Scrambled Eggs 13

Cottage Cheese Eggs

Mackenzie Burgess, RDN
This take on the viral Cottage Cheese Eggs, simply blends together eggs, cottage cheese, and bagel seasoning for the creamiest scramble you've ever tasted. Customize this recipe and serve the scrambled eggs with your favorite base and toppings of your choice.
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Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Servings 4 servings
Calories 190 kcal


  • 4 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
  • 2 teaspoons bagel seasoning
  • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon avocado oil
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheese of your choice (cheddar, pepper jack, monterey jack, gouda, goat cheese, mozzarella cheese, mexican blend, etc.)

Base of your choice: (optional but recommended)

  • Whole grain bread, toasted
  • Tortilla
  • Croissant
  • Steamed sweet potato
  • Sweet potato “toast”
  • Roasted potatoes

Toppings of your choice: (optional but recommended)

  • Diced tomatoes
  • Diced bell peppers
  • Caramelized mushrooms
  • Finely chopped chives
  • Sliced avocado


  • Place eggs, cottage cheese, bagel seasoning, and pepper in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth, about 20 seconds.
  • Heat a tablespoon of oil in a non-stick skillet over medium-low heat. Pour over the egg mixture. Let sit for about 1 minute, then gently stir with a spatula. Cook for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly, until the eggs are creamy and cooked to your liking.
  • Turn off heat and sprinkle over shredded cheese, then let sit for 2 minutes to melt slightly.
  • Serve scrambled eggs immediately with any desired base and toppings of your choice.


Note: The USDA recommends cooking egg dishes to 160°F.
Nutrition Note: This is an estimate provided by an online nutrition calculator. Nutrition may vary depending on ingredients used. This calculation does not include base or toppings. For more nutrition information, seek a professional registered dietitian’s advice.


Serving: 1servingCalories: 190kcalCarbohydrates: 4gProtein: 12gFat: 13gSaturated Fat: 6gCholesterol: 210mgSodium: 370mgPotassium: 110mgSugar: 2gCalcium: 153mgIron: 0.6mg
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Cottage Cheese Eggs

Want more? Try these other egg recipes:

Hi, I'm Mackenzie...

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I’m a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) and recipe developer. I create simple recipes with customizable ingredients “of your choice.” I also help busy people gain kitchen confidence through my hands-on program.

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